I am becoming an amalgamation of all of the organs and bits of skin I have stolen from you. I am castrating the world, ripping uteruses out of bellies and making them my own, wearing intestines as my garments. Eyes dangle from piercings in my ears, and bits of brain adorn the hair of my head like flowers. I am a golem of flesh, blood dripping like drops of sweat to the earth. It stinks like iron and copper, tastes acrid and astringent. But, throwing my skeleton onto the pile of corpses with which I now walk, I finally feel some semblance of life. I am shambling down your halls now. Do you hear the dripping, wet sound? Can you smell that familiar, metallic smell, the scent most well known by doctors, mothers, and those who have seen the battlefields of war? That is me. I am almost there.
Come now, I have not taken all; you still have more to give.
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